Dressing with confidence is more than wearing the latest fashion trend. Even though you got the cutest yet expensive top that became the apple of the eye of every girl who passes by your favorite boutique, but you keep on checking yourself in front of the mirror to see if it looks cute on you is a huge sign of discomfort. You are totally uncomfortable and at the same time you don't have enough confidence to flaunt what you're wearing. You lack confidence. It's all about feeling good about what you're wearing, looking your best, poised and feeling self-assured in all situations and the most important thing, you have to always wear a smile on your face.
Have you ever told yourself this line "This is not so me", when it comes to a certain outfit? Honestly, many people say this line followed by "I really like this style, but I couldn't pull it off." Outfits are one of the best ways to express your unique personality to others. It shows other people how you want to be treated, it is because it speaks to some part of you. You can be as stylish as you would like to be as long as you do it with confidence. It is but a simple thing but it doesn't require much effort and there's no formula. Whatever it is that you're wearing, just wear it like your favorite shirt.
I stress the word "favorite", because once you hear this word, it talks about being comfortable and it means you really like it because it is your favorite. Just like you love to eat Icecream because it is your favorite or you love wearing your favorite lipstick because Bloody Red looks so good on you and you like it. The same thing should be done when wearing your outfits.
If you consider trying a new style of dress, go and try it! Once you found out that you like it, feel confident and comfortable about yourself in it, and then that particular style will become you! Your confidence will convince others that it is who you are and overtime, you'll find many other styles that you can embrace and that will become part of you as well. There is this bare truth that how you dress is related in some way to how you feel.